Freedom In A Weekend

Set up your most important online systems in a few days, set it and forget it!

"Freedom In A Weekend" is an energizing 3-day deep dive designed to fortify your business with efficient systems, simplifying your daily tasks and paving the way to your goals, complete with ongoing support for enduring transformation.

If you're ready to embrace and install streamlined systems you'll actually use and you don’t want to keep putting it off any longer — we’re ready for you!

💬 Heather is AMAZING! From the quality of her work to her "I got you" attitude, I am SO grateful for what she's created for me in my business.

From just a short call, she was able to identify an opportunity for a streamlined system for lead gen. She, seemingly, effortlessly put together and systematized what would have taken me FOREVER.

She just has a natural eye for seeing the opportunity to simplify and systematize operations.

If you feel like you're drowning in tasks, things are falling through the cracks, and you need things to just be streamlined - Heather is your gal.

I can't recommend her services enough!

Every CEO could benefit from Heather's work. PERIOD.

– Robin Rhine McDonald

Hi, I’m Heather Hargrove, and I guide entrepreneurs like you through the essentials of building a streamlined, efficient business. If you've been creating systems in your business based on a “patchwork” model, Freedom In A Weekend offers the transformative strategies I've used to help my clients boost efficiency by at least 30% and increase revenue by up to 300% in just a few years, so you can scale effectively without wasting time.

In this intensive, I eliminate the uncertainty surrounding systematization, empowering you to scale your business with clarity, efficiency, and a deep understanding of which systems to implement and how. The outcome? You reclaim the precious gift of TIME, focusing on what truly matters, while significantly amplifying the potential of your business's growth.

If you're building your business without plugging in automated processes, you're basically signing up for a marathon of exhaustion, my friends.....Then your growth starts outpacing what you can handle manually, limiting you ability to scale. That's just how it is.

You're probably thinking :

"Amidst a day's flurry of tasks, finding time to draft emails or respond to client messages feels like I am already chasing hours that simply aren't there."

"Is my business at a stage where focusing on these details truly matters?"

“Where do I even find the f-ing time to do all of this?”

Many entrepreneurs, myself included, have grappled with these very questions. You might have been getting by, piecing things together until now, but it's time to strategically reclaim hours in your week for the tasks that genuinely move the needle


Peter Drucker, Management Consultant

Freedom In A Weekend is tailor-made for you if you've ever felt that tug of frustration from trying to juggle


while burning the midnight oil, and if you’re ready to:

  • Master Your Lead Generation: Transform the way you attract clients, making it a precise, predictable process with our "Fill the Room" system. Say goodbye to guesswork in your lead generation strategy.

  • Streamline Your Conversion Process: Elevate your sales approach with "Primed-To-Buy". This isn't just a system; it's an indispensable tool that shows you exactly how to pre-qualify and convert leads effectively.

  • Enhance Client Onboarding and Retention: Organize your client journey with "Red Carpet Rollout". This system ensures every client feels valued, and no detail is ever overlooked, making your project management a breeze.

  • Build Your Dream Team: With the right systems in place, you'll have the foundation to attract and retain an A-Team that aligns with your business vision and supports your growth.

  • Innovate and Expand Your Offerings: With more time and less stress, you'll have the creative space to develop new products or services, fueling the evolution of your business.

  • Optimize Communication: Implement efficient communication strategies that keep you out of the weeds of DMs and chats, allowing you to focus on what truly matters in your business.

  • Master Your Lead Generation: Transform the way you attract clients, making it a precise, predictable process with our "Fill the Room" system. Say goodbye to guesswork in your lead generation strategy.

  • Streamline Your Conversion Process: Elevate your sales approach with "Primed-To-Buy". This isn't just a system; it's an indispensable tool that shows you exactly how to pre-qualify and convert leads effectively.

  • Enhance Client Onboarding and Retention: Organize your client journey with "Red Carpet Rollout". This system ensures every client feels valued, and no detail is ever overlooked, making your project management a breeze.

  • Build Your Dream Team: With the right systems in place, you'll have the foundation to attract and retain an A-Team that aligns with your business vision and supports your growth.

  • Innovate and Expand Your Offerings: With more time and less stress, you'll have the creative space to develop new products or services, fueling the evolution of your business.

  • Optimize Communication: Implement efficient communication strategies that keep you out of the weeds of DMs and chats, allowing you to focus on what truly matters in your business.

If you're finding yourself nodding in agreement while your Slack notifications keep pinging, then this message is for you. With "Freedom in a Weekend," we're going to build out those essential, "I've got this" business systems in just a single weekend. Imagine transitioning from a place of overwhelm and uncertainty to having a streamlined, efficient system where you never have to wonder if you've followed up on that message or missed a crucial step. It's all about setting up a business that runs smoothly and confidently, and we're doing it all in just one weekend.

By The End Of Our Weekend Intensive You Will Have:


Simplified Scaling System Installed

Who says scaling has to be hard? Set up a system that simplifies expansion. It's the cornerstone for future growth, ensuring you can scale your business without the burnout.


Organizational Ease Achieved

Implement organizational strategies that bring ease and clarity to your operations. This is about growing a business that runs smoothly, giving you back hours to spend with family or on passions outside work.


Efficient Project Management Established

Perfect your project management to make daily tasks a breeze. With these systems, you're setting the stage for a business that practically runs itself, freeing you from constant oversight.


Foundation for Team Expansion Laid

Prepare the groundwork for your ideal team. Getting this right means you're not just building a business, but creating a support system that allows you to step back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Above all, "Freedom in a Weekend" provides you with the essential tools to not only enhance your business operations but also significantly boost your bottom line.

If you're ready to finally implement "Freedom in a Weekend" in your business, setting the stage for lasting growth and efficiency — let's start this exciting transformation today!





Systems That Scale

What’s Inside


Module 1: Foundation

In this module you’ll learn how to set up the core infrastructure of your business so you can get up and running with a solid foundation and have more time in your day. You’ll also get clear about where you need to focus to set your business up for sustainable success. This includes understanding how to track key progress measurements and how to get your financial and legal houses in order.


Module 2: Organize

In this module, I’m going to show you everything you need to set up your calendar, including how best to schedule your week and how to create team calendars. You’ll also get the inside scoop on how to create virtual filing systems to manage your assets and documents. The result? You’ll know what to focus on to move the needle forward in your business.


Module 3: Systematize

You’ll learn the importance of project management systems and how to create the right processes inside your business as well as how to streamline your internal communication systems to create more efficiency in your workflows. You’ll learn how to establish standard operating procedures so no matter what, everything keeps working even if you can’t.


Module 4: Scale

Good news! You’re ready to hire and in this module I’m going to walk you through who you really need on your team, how to find them and bring them onboard once you do, as well as some additional strategies to scale your business when you’re ready.


Facebook Group Revival: Turn Your Dead and Disengaged Group to Life!

w/ Maruxa Murphy

($497 Value)

Discover How Maruxa Took A “Dead” Group and Turned It Into A 7-Figure Launch In Just 8 Weeks and the Process You Can Take To Move Your Community Into Life

Impact-Driven Workshop:

Discover how to turn your group into a vibrant community where meaningful change and business growth go hand in hand.

Tools for Transformation:

Gain access to the same blueprints and strategies that have elevated groups to seven-figure success stories, fueling both profit and


Strategic Revenue Growth:

Learn to seamlessly integrate impactful initiatives with revenue generation, potentially adding 6-7 figures to your business in record time.


Increasing your client retention with custom widgets!

w/ Colleen McCartney

($997 Value)

Learn how to use the Nerdly Widget with Smart PopUps to enhance your Course & have all your client resources easily accessible within your course!

Strategic Course Enhancement: Elevate your course with the power of Nerdly Widgets and Smart PopUps. Uncover the secrets to seamlessly integrate custom widgets, enhancing your course content and providing an immersive learning experience for your clients.

Resource Accessibility Mastery: Learn the art of optimizing client resources within your course using tailored widgets. Gain insights on maximizing the potential of Smart PopUps to ensure easy access to essential materials, fostering a more convenient and engaging learning environment.

Retention-Driven User Engagement: Transform your course into a retention powerhouse with a user-centric approach. Discover how to design widgets that not only captivate your clients but also boost their overall learning experience, keeping them actively engaged and committed throughout the entire course journey.

When you add it all up that’s a grand total of $794

But, when you enroll today you can access Systems That Scale for just…





Get ready to build your business to its full potential and accelerate your growth.

Questions Your Fellow Peers Asked Before Diving Into Freedom In A Weekend

Where does the event take place?

Alright, my friend, buckle up! 'Freedom in a Weekend' is all about meeting you where you are.

You can soak up the knowledge virtually, cozy in your PJs......

Or if you're up for a live jam, join us in Orlando, FL. Picture this: Sun, systems, and a side of serious strategy – in person!

Do I have to use the recommended software platforms that are used with the Freedom In A Weekend?

We've streamlined the process with pre-built templates for easy installation in Nerdly. If you're using a different platform (excluding WordPress), no worries! We're committed to working with you to recreate the setup, ensuring that you can seamlessly implement the systems regardless of your current platform.

With that being said. You will need to invest in using a platform for building landing pages and sending emails if you are not doing so already.

It's vital to note that in the realm of technology and system strategies, it's the strategy that drives the success of the technology, not the other way around. We're here to guide you through foundational strategies that will ensure your success, regardless of the tools you choose. Feel free to leverage the platforms you're most comfortable with.

Should you opt for different tools, rest assured you can apply the same strategies we teach in the program. However, for implementation support, you might want to check with the support options of the platform you decide to use.

How many hours should I schedule in order to get awesome results?

While the intensive deep dive takes place over the weekend, we do have some pre-work to set the stage for your success.

Additionally, there's a follow-up one-hour deep dive session where we'll walk through any final details or questions you might have. We're here to support you beyond the weekend, ensuring your systems are not only set up but optimized for ongoing success.

How many team members can join me for the intensive?

For those with a team that needs to be present for optimal learning and implementation, your registration covers You + 2 team members. We're excited to have your team join the intensive to collectively enhance your business strategies.

Is there a refund policy?

We certainly want you to be satisfied with your purchase but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies.

In the event that you are unable to attend on your scheduled date, we offer the flexibility to reschedule for another virtual or in-person session within the next three months.

However, it's important to note that as this program involves installing and integrating strategies directly into your business, once implemented, no refunds will be issued. Your success lies in your hands, and we're committed to supporting you in making the most out of the tools and strategies provided.

If you’re ready to create Systems That Scale so you can see continuous growth in your business — let’s get started today!





Are you ready to learn exactly where to start when it comes to adding systems into your business so you can save time, money, and focus on the tasks that made you want to start a business in the first place?

You can! When you enroll in Systems That Scale you’ll finally be able to set up the right organization in your business to help you forecast your monthly revenue, stop spinning

your wheels when it comes to training your team, get your financial and legal systems set up and so much more.

You’ll have the roadmap you need to feel confident, in control and clear about the direction of your business. If you’re ready to save time and make more money in your business doing the things you love… your seat in class is waiting for you.

It’s time to get peace of mind back into your business.

Work days that feel like a well-oiled machine are the result of having the right systems in place. It’s also what gives you back your weekends, some Fridays off, and lets you read a book once in a while. When you have great organization in your day-to-day it can help you feel more confident in everything you’re doing as an entrepreneur.

Here’s the thing, I totally understand what it feels like in the first two years of business, I’ve been there too. I longed for more time with Hobie and Cade, more energy to dream up my next offer and extra time to spend with my students.

Can you relate?

I know you know that hiring, calendars, communication, forecasting and all the rest are important to your business. I also know you understand that these pieces to the full puzzle of your business will create time and space in your day-to-day operations so you don’t feel behind or unsure of what next steps to take.

I created Systems That Scale so you never have to throw your hands up in the air in frustration again, and so you can meet and exceed your revenue goals long term.

If you’ve ever had the thought that you don’t need an internal communication system, or that editorial calendars feel like creativity blocks, or maybe you got into this business so that you didn’t have to do any of these kinds of things — Systems That Scale is just what you need. Simplified processes so you don’t get overwhelmed and so that your business doesn’t overwhelm you.

Ready? Let’s do this.

ALL my best,


Join Systems That Scale Today





Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and our other channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Running an online business carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our Refund Policy, we provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request.